"Our Common Future"

In 1987, the United Nations released the Brundtland Report, which defines sustainable development as "development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".

Seven generation sustainability is an ecological concept that urges the current generation of humans to live sustainably and work for the benefit of the seventh generation into the future. It originated with the Iroquois - Great Law of the Iroquois

"People don't want gas and electricity. They just want hot showers and cold beer" -Amory Lovins

Friday, June 29, 2012

KEC Final Inspections

Final inspections were all passed this week. This was a major milestone for the team to hit. Great job everyone!

Monday, June 25, 2012

KEC Tapped Maple

A product called "tapped maple" was selected by the architect to be used for the corridor wall paneling. Tapped Maple Sugar Wood is harvested from Vermont’s maple sugar orchards. Maple sugar makers drill holes in the trees to gather sap each Spring. Over time, these trees decline in sap production and are culled to make room for new growth in the forest. Typically, these 100+ year old trees are considered unusable in the hardwood lumber industry, due to the tap holes. By celebrating the distinct “tap streaks” found across the surface of the wood and by filling the tap holes with colored resin, Tapped Maple offers clients a refreshing alternative to traditional wood products.  Source.  

The architect hand selected each piece at the shop and then worked carefully with the millworker to locate where each piece would be installed onsite.  This material is locally harvested and fabricated (within 500 miles) and it is using a tree that has already served its useful purpose for sugaring.  By celebrating the tap holes and streaking this wood is being used in the Environmental Center as a finished product that would have otherwise been used as firewood.

[detail of tapped maple panel]

[installation in progress]

[tapped maple in corridor]

[tapped maple in mudroom]

[tapped maple in entry foyer]

KEC Week 64

We are down to the finishing touches.  The furniture moved in last week.  We are commissioning the mechanical equipment.  Subcontractors are working on wrapping up their punch list work.  Final inspections are scheduled.  The entire team has put a lot of hard work into this project and the finish line is in sight.  Now its time for the final push to make sure everything wraps up smoothly!



[classroom corridor with tapped maple wall paneling]

[conference room]

[mud room boot bench]

[dorm first floor corridor]

[dorm second floor corridor]

[dorm second floor lounge]

[dorm first floor lounge]

[dorm room]

[dorm room]

[dorm room]

[dorm stairs]

[commons kitchen]

[commons seating]

[commons seating]

[commons wood stove and flatscreen]

[first floor faculty housing]

[first floor faculty kitchen]

[courtyard view from lab corridor]

Saturday, June 9, 2012

KEC Week 61

[north entry]
[north elevation]

[bathroom tile]
[corridor FSC millwork]
[seminar FSC casework]
[seminar middle and upper clerestories]
[corridor maple paneling]
[corridor maple paneling]