"Our Common Future"

In 1987, the United Nations released the Brundtland Report, which defines sustainable development as "development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".

Seven generation sustainability is an ecological concept that urges the current generation of humans to live sustainably and work for the benefit of the seventh generation into the future. It originated with the Iroquois - Great Law of the Iroquois

"People don't want gas and electricity. They just want hot showers and cold beer" -Amory Lovins

Thursday, February 2, 2012

@Home Series

Every now and then it's good to look back at where you have been before deciding where to go next.  I looked at my initial expectations for this blog and I would like to take a look at this statement from my first post:

"I hope to inspire others to act more sustainable in their every day life, to help make good decisions today that preserve what we have now for our future generations."  

With this in mind, I am starting this @Home series that will provide tips for sustainable living.  @Home will look at the three R's; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, as well as improvements to your home environment.  See my previous post about using Zero VOC paint at home,  and stay tuned for the next post in this series regarding programable thermostats.

Some of the ideas from this series may resonate with you and some may feel out of reach based on your lifestyle.  I would encourage you to start by making the changes that are easiest for you.  You don't have to take extreme measures to realize significant results.

1 comment:

  1. This blog delves into the fascinating world of sustainable building construction, offering valuable insights for eco-conscious homeowners. For those embarking on sustainable construction projects in Brackley, partnering with a reputable building company is crucial. Their expertise in eco-friendly building practices ensures that projects are not only environmentally friendly but also meet high-quality standards. Learn more about their sustainable construction services https://caliberconstruction.co.uk/ and embark on your journey towards a greener future with confidence.
