"Our Common Future"

In 1987, the United Nations released the Brundtland Report, which defines sustainable development as "development which meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs".

Seven generation sustainability is an ecological concept that urges the current generation of humans to live sustainably and work for the benefit of the seventh generation into the future. It originated with the Iroquois - Great Law of the Iroquois

"People don't want gas and electricity. They just want hot showers and cold beer" -Amory Lovins

Monday, April 2, 2012

KEC Meaningful Work

I read that making the work meaningful helps everyone involved to understand and work towards the common goal.  While some understand the mission of the KEC, I began to think that others may think this is just another job.  I decided to take action and posted some informational signage up at the jobsite so the workers had a better appreciation for the work they are doing.  I believe this will help make a difference and give everyone a little extra pride in the great work they do every day.

[click for larger image]

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